20 Reasons Why You Feel Bloated All the Time

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Simone 24 Jan, 2019

What Is Meant by “Feeling Bloated?”

Bloating refers to distention or swelling of your abdominal muscles. It may be usually caused due to the entrapment of gas in the digestive system and may lead to headaches or pain in the stomach. In the worst cases, it may need immediate medical assistance. This experience is followed by burping (belching), acidic reflux, and farting. It may also be followed by pain in the abdominal region.

Healthcare experts believe that bloating and belching are the prequels to a hard round of acidity. They result from indigestion and may refer to an unhealthy lifestyle that one could be pursuing. It is not always the case of being indulgent or negligent, and there could be some subtle aspects to it too.

Part 1

“Why am I bloated all the time?”: 20 reasons why you always feel this way!

Gas and bloating can be an unpleasant topic for most of us but did you know that an average person passes gas around 12 to 25 times per day? For some people, it is a case of simple indigestion or irritable bowel symptom, but for others, it could be due to a variety of many factors as mentioned below:

Here are some of the most obvious factors that could make you feel “gassy”:

1. Eating at a faster rate

2. Overeating or digestive issues

3. Ulcers

4. Lactose intolerance

5. Eating too spicy foods

6. Gallstones

7. High-fiber foods

8. Celiac disease or gluten intolerance

9. Pregnancy

10. Menstruation

11. Smoking

12. Issues with esophagus

13. Medications

14. Liver diseases

15. Allergies

16. Infection

17. Consuming aerated drinks

18. Eating while standing

19. Eating abruptly

20. Talking too much while eating

We would recommend that you check with yourself if you are affected by one or more of these issues. You might want to consult a healthcare expert to know if there is something you can do about it. The factors marked from 1 to 15 are the ones you should stay careful with.

Foods that cause gas or flatulence

foods that cause gas or flatulence

It is just as important to know what foods cause you to bloat. While the list of such foods may be different for everyone owing to allergies and other factors, here is a list of foods that one should specifically stay away from.

1. Beans

2. Lentils

3. Oily and fatty foods

4. Fast foods

5. Carbonated drinks

6. Broccoli

7. Dairy products

8. Salty or sugary foods

9. Gluten foods

10. Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables

11. Whole grains

12. Cruciferous vegetables

These are some of the foods that can cause bloating after eating or drinking. You must control your dietary habits (especially those about binge eating or consuming alcohol or staying up late at night) because they could hurt you in the long term.

Explaining some of the most common phenomena related to constipation and weak metabolism

reasons for constipation and weak metabolism

If you belch once or twice after having something, that is perfectly alright. But if you have been feeling “gassy” and uncomfortable, it could be due to weaker metabolism or some underlying issues in your digestive system. This is especially true if you always feel “heavy”, “gassy”, bloated, or uncomfortable after eating or drinking something. Remember that gluttony will not take you anywhere!

Here are some reasons that could make your digestion system weaker:

Certain sugars

It’s usually within an hour of lunch when your belly swells, compelling you to unbutton your pants or stick to sweatpants. It remains this way for a day and your stomach recoils to its original shape the next morning. Reason: you have a sweet tooth.

Some supporters of low-carb diets explain that reducing their carb intake helped improve their issues of gas and belching. We recommend eliminating certain sugars, alcohols, resistant starches such as those found in beans and dietary fiber for faster relief.


Abdominal pain, potbelly, and discomfort often subside when a person poops. If this sounds like you, chances are the cause for your belly bloat is constipation. This often results when the intestinal gas normally gets trapped between slowly moving feces, thus causing the stomach to balloon up. To fix this, you should drink more water and increase your fiber intake.

Also read: Our 7 Favorite Constipation Remedies!

Remember to increase your fiber intake gradually because taking it too much too soon can also trigger bloating. Pay special attention to insoluble fiber sources such as fruits and vegetables with skins, bran, and seeds to help improve your bowel movements versus soluble sources (often the processed kinds) such as cereals and high-fiber snack foods.

Acid Reflux

If you have been feeling nauseated for quite some time, chances are you have acid reflux or indigestion. Acidity becomes bad when you chow down on a big salad on an empty stomach because you’re dumping fiber into your unprepared metabolic system. This is likely to result in some unpleasant symptoms.

If you’re having a meal on an empty stomach, you should have a smaller and low-fat meal with a glass of water. You can also try some carbonated water to ease symptoms of indigestion. You may drink cumin water or lemon water half an hour before you eat something.

If the discomfort persists, consult a doctor immediately.


This is perhaps the most common cause of stomach discomfort and bloating. Try having smaller portions evenly spaced out throughout the day. A part of it may also have to do with your cooking oil because adulterated oils can cause severe liver and gastrointestinal problems. It may even lead to the formation of ulcers and stones in the gallbladder.

Secret tips: After Overeating: What to Do to Get Back on Track?

Which is the best cooking oil for health? The oils made of canola, peanut, sunflower, soya bean, mustard, corn, olive, and avocado are usually considered the best for cooking and eating purposes.

Fatty and processed foods

This can make you feel uncomfortably full as fat takes longer to digest than protein or carbs. Limit your fat intake and try baking instead of frying most of the time. You should rather focus on taking good fats for weight loss and other health-based benefits. These include cheese, eggs, nuts, chia seeds, etc.

20 easy cures for bloating and constipation

If you could know what foods are causing you to bloat, you can make changes to your eating habits. However, it shouldn’t just stop at making dietary changes alone, for you should consider making other healthier changes to the overall situation.

For example, you can consider making a switch to yoga or Zen, or working out under a virtual fitness trainer, and sleeping for adequate hours every day. Stress and mental ailments are more than enough distractions that can make you ill rather quickly.

Here are some remedies that you can use to get rid of a bloated stomach quickly:

1. Drink warm water in the morning

2. Use peppermint capsules

3. Go for a brisk walk

4. Drink cumin water every day

5. Take a bath in warm water

6. Take a warm bath in Epsom salt

7. Have some digestive enzymes

8. Have some medicines

9. Eat foods rich in potassium

10 Eat foods rich in fiber

11. Have some herbal tea

12. Do not stress

13. Reconsider your medications

14. Do yoga and follow a fitness schedule

15. Stay positive

16. Stay away from overeating

17. Sleep and wake up early

18. Reduce your sugar or salt intake

19. Cut down on smoking and alcohol

20. Eat healthy snacks

What is belching?

What is belching? How to cure it?

Belching or burping is an indication of some wind being trapped in your stomach, esophagus, or trachea as you eat your food. It usually emanates from the upper intestine and goes all the way up to the mouth where it is discarded. If this wind is not released, it may travel downward to be released as a fart.

This accompanies foul-smelling ammonia gas and may make for an embarrassing experience, especially when one is around one’s friends. It may be caused due to a weaker metabolism, or due to consuming soda drinks, or taking in air through the mouth especially while eating. Persisting with gluttony would make it worse.

How to cure it at home?

Belching may accompany bloating. It may be temporary or a long-standing health issue that could be cured with easy home remedies. Here’s you can do it at home:

1. Eat or drink slowly

2. Do not talk while eating

3. Pop an antacid

4. Don’t smoke or consume alcohol

5. Suck some ginger or lemon

These are some of the easiest ways you can get rid of burping easily. Remember that it is okay to belch once in a while but you should be cautious if you have been affected by it for quite some time now.

What vitamin deficiency causes stomach bloating?

It is due to a lack of Vitamin B12. This vitamin helps in the digestion of foods and drinks, and it makes our metabolism stronger. If you lack this nutrient, you could experience nausea, abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and consequently a loss of appetite. As mentioned above, indulging in gluttony or excessive eating would only make it worse.

Part 2

Cooking oils can affect your health

healthy and unhealthy cooking oils

If you can’t identify yourself with any of the above reasons, you could be in for an easier answer now. This relates to the cooking oil that you are using to prepare your food. That oil could have ingredients that your body may not digest properly and thus goes trying to expel it in a liquid or soil form.

We would advise you to switch to healthier oils like coconut and olive oils to prepare your foods every day. We also recommend checking with a professional dietitian or nutritionist to know which oil would be the best for cooking as per your lifestyle and fitness.

Why does it matter?

When determining the healthy quality of cooking oils, you must take into account how it affects heart health, the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids, and how it is processed. Getting too much Omega-6 in your diet might clog your arteries, inflame them, lead you to heart diseases, and increase your risk of cancer. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a ratio of 4:1 for Omega-6 to Omega-3.

Did you know? For every food you eat that contains Omega-3 fatty acids, you need to eat no more than 4 times the amount of omega-6 fatty acids. The catch is that too much omega-6 is bad for your health.

You can improve your health by eliminating processed foods from your diet. Autoimmune responses to chronic inflammation caused by processed foods are being linked to processed foods. Diseases like asthma, allergies, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes are on a rise because of a rise in the consumption of processed foods. Get rid of them!

What are the best cooking oils for the heart?

what are the best and healthiest cooking oils for the heart?

It all begins with a decision to try out healthier alternatives like olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, peanut oil, and coconut oil. The sooner you start, the better results you may get to enjoy. They offer a wide range of health and wellness benefits by keeping your digestive system in top shape.

Here are the healthiest oils to use for cooking:

1. Coconut oil (has 92% saturated fat, 6% monounsaturated, and 1.6% polyunsaturated)

2. Butter (ghee),

3. Olive oil

4. Palm oil

5. Avocado oil

6. Nut or peanut oil

However, you should not just go by the labels that state a high percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil and fish oil are high in omega-3 but they should never be used for heating and deep frying because they are prone to oxidation. This leads to the formation of free radicals that can cause inflammation, cancer, thyroid damage, and hormonal imbalances.

What are the worst cooking oils?

Here are the worst cooking oils that should not find a place in your shopping list. They can disturb your digestive system or may even cause serious health issues over some time.

Vegetable or Soybean Oil:

These oils are often used interchangeably. Soybean oil is worse, it contains 54% omega-6 and it can lead to inflammation and other health issues. Using spurious quality of such oils makes it all worse.


It is high in trypsin inhibitors and phytic acid that blocks the absorption of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Soy also contains phytoestrogens, which mimic estrogen in your body and disrupts normal hormonal activity, and could increase your risk of cancer.

How can a wellness expert help you live a healthier life?

We advise you to try the healthier alternatives for your favorite oils as mentioned above and address the problems of bloating and belching starting today. Emotional eating and acid reflux can quickly make it worse, and can even lead to heart attack, asthma, and a weakened digestive system.

We recommend checking with a wellness expert to know about the healthy changes that you can make to your lifestyle. Staying positive and healthy is a holistic process but you could always use some expert guidance to live better. The sooner you start, the better results you may get!

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