Fitness Coaching Software: Trainerize vs Mevolife


In order to simplify the process of choosing the right software for your fitness business, we have come up with a comparison between two software solutions namely, Trainerize and Mevolife. Trainerize is a fitness software solution which provides standardized services to their clients. Trainerize aims to provide software to effectively run a business for independent trainers, clubs, studios and more. On the other hand, Mevolife is a new fitness coaching software which has been developed considering the change in the markets and giving due importance to the requirements of coaches. 

All these platforms target to provide their customers with solutions that help to serve clients and grow the business. Both Trainzerize and Mevolife target the fitness businesses however, the differences start to emerge when you look at how both platforms were built, and how that foundation contributes to ease-of-use and adoption. This blog here will help you understand the major differences between these platforms, so you can choose the right platform as the partner to grow your business. So before we jump to comparison let’s checkout these brief introductions about the tools!

Trainerize Overview

Trainerize | Personal Training Software for Fitness Professionals and Clubs

Trainerize is a personal training platform that intends to help the fitness professionals to provide services to their self added clients. This solution aims to help the professionals sell more coaching plans to their self added clients only and in turn boost up the profits. The software is designed to help the fitness professionals deliver the set services to their clients. The platform is a centralized solution to Personal Trainers, Nutrition Coaches, Health and Wellness Coaches. The main set of features of Trainerize platform includes - Training, Nutrition, Client Management and Business Growth features. Looking for more details - click here!

Mevolife Overview

Mevolife - Online Fitness Coaching Software

Mevolife Fitness Coaching Software is a SAAS based platform which is designed for coaches to not only help them provide best services to their clients but also boost up and grow their business like never before. Mevolife is a software solution for each and every fitness coach including Personal Trainers, dietitian, nutritionists, health and wellness coaches to set up, market and grow their businesses to new heights.

The all in one fitness software solution is an amalgamation of multiple tools used by coaches to serve their clients online including - Client Manager, Booking and Appointment Manager, Plan Builder, Communication, Video Sessions, Progress Tracker, Follow Ups, Client App and lot more. The main focus of this SAAS solution is to help the coaches scale their business by providing them with an easy-to-use and flexible system that simplifies and speeds up processes to save you time. 

Mevolife software is a newly designed platform which is accustomed to fulfill the requirements of changing markets. The software empowers both the coaches and their clients by an advanced set of features so that both end meet their goals on time. The focus of this software is to provide an integrated and composite outlook to the changing business demands. Overall the software is strong enough to help you handle the changes effectively and grow your revenues and fitness businesses in no time. This solution helps in growing your business at least 3X as it not only helps you to improvise the experience of current clients but also gives you exposure to new clients through the advanced marketplace. Need some more details about the software? Checkout website now!

Trainerize vs Mevolife

Mevolife vs. Trainerize: Pros, Cons & Recommendations

Since we now a little background about Mevolife and Trainerize and how as a platform they intend to help their coaches and clients let’s get into the points of difference between both the software solutions:

Main Target Audience

What is the main focus of the software solution?

Mevolife is a comprehensive software solution that helps fitness professionals/coaches to train their own clients and also offers an open marketplace which intends to help them grow their businesses online. Mevolife as a platform offers a great combined set of tools that helps fitness trainers/dietitians grow their online businesses dynamically in no time. A professional can reduce the cost and dependency on multiple solutions and opt in for one solution with all premium features at one place. On the other hand, Trainerize is restricted to serving self clients only. Not only this the platform does not have a centralized solution to provide complete online health and fitness coaching services.

Who should use it?

Who is the audience?

Mevolife comes with a broad umbrella and tries to provide a software solution that would be usable not only for personal trainers, dietitian, nutritionists, studios, gyms, clubs  but also the end users who are looking for any kind of fitness services. Mevolife acts as a bridge to connect service providers and clients and remove all barriers of location, time and platform. The ease of usage and the vastness of the feature line is what makes this SAAS solution stand apart from others. 

Moving forward with Trainerize, the platform is great for fitness service providers with their own clientele. Trainerize as a platform offers a standard and basic solution for all fitness service providers to their own clients. If a business or an individual trainer has a good set of clientele they can connect for further sessions using this tool.

Benefits Comparison

The main highlight about a platform like Mevolife is that it considers the main service requirements of its coaches. The platform offers unlimited client servicing options and no restrictions are laid whatsoever in relation to the clients. Not only the platform boasts of an extensive client management system it simplifies the process of connecting with clients, offers advanced booking management system, relies completely on open rating and review system, channelizes easy payouts, and offers a composite software solution for fitness providers for the first time ever. As it is rightly said by Alan Perlis, an American computer scientist and professor, “Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer from it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.” and this is what Mevolife intends to do. This SAAS platform aims to remove the complexity of an online platform and provide an easy to use system with neat UI/UX, minimum formalities and quality support system.

Trainerize on the other hand, has been there in the market for a longer time and offers the software to many clients. The platform has market exposure and feedback from real clients which acts as a strength for a platform. Along with this, Trainerize completely focuses on self/existing clients of a business and there is minimum exposure for new business opportunities. The below rating table highlights the main differences between these 2 software platforms:




Meets Business Requirements



Audience Driven



Ease of Use



Ease of Setup



Quality of Support






Feature Richness



Features Comparison

As mentioned before, the standout feature of Mevolife Online Fitness Coaching Software is convenience. The combination of all features which might be required for a fitness business at one place aims at reducing redundant efforts, maximizing time outputs and boosting revenue growth. Mevolife as a platform intends to help you run your business on an autopilot mode wherein there is minimum repetition of tasks and maximized value for your time and efforts. The main focus of this platform is to help the professionals not only serve their own clients but also grow their clientele and hence boost up the revenues.

Going forward on the other hand, the main standout feature of Trainerize is a platform developed to improve the quality of service which a professional can provide to his existing clients. This platform is a great solution for coaches who want to take their business online for their existing clients.




Comprehensive Dashboard

Yes, Advanced Dashboard

Yes, Basic Dashboard

Business Setup

Advanced - Profile, About Business, Contact Details

Basic Profile Setup

Multiple Business Locations



Multiple Team Members



Plan Builder, Workouts, Diet, Habits



Clients Management


Yes, only self clients

Bookings Management



Business Tools



Health Calculators






Video Call



Billing & Payments



Notifications & Alerts



Stripe Payment Integration



Smart Web-Page






Custom Website



Custom App



Pricing Comparison

A look around their pricing strategies?

When talking about deciding a platform for the business the most crucial aspect is the pricing. Trainzerize has completely structured its pricing keeping the clients of the professional in mind. This can be detrimental for the platform as clients are the key to business growth. Mevolife on the other hand, has not only created a competitive pricing for the professionals but also has no limitations on the clients. The pricing plan for Trainzerize starts at $22.00 but restricts to only 2 clients whereas the Mevolife pricing plan starts with $29.00 for unlimited clients. A detailed comparison for the pricing plan of both the platforms has been shared below.





Free Trial Included

Free Trial Included



Starting at $29.00 Per Month with Unlimited Clients


Starting at $22.00 200 Client seats Per Month



Starting at $59.00 Per Month with Unlimited Clients


Starting at $250.00 500 Client seats Per Month



Starting at $159.00 Per Month with Unlimited Clients


Contact Us Per Year



Starting at $249.00 Per Month with Unlimited Clients


Below mentioned are the 5 basic steps required to complete the setup in Mevolife software and start running your business online in less than 10 mins:

1. Enter name and email address to create account.

2. Click on the verification link to set up your password & account.

3. Enter password, currency, country, time zone & category.

4. Setup basic profile to display in client app.

5. Setup packages and work slots to run on auto mode.

That’s it you are all set with your account in a fraction of time and your business is available online!


Mevolife and Trainerize as a software both offer services to fitness trainers. The purpose of both the platforms is to facilitate online business for their clients. Based on the above discussion which highlights the pros and cons of both the platforms, before going in for the recommended platform, it is better to sum-up the above points:

1. Mevolife is new in market and hence comes with latest technology and keeps into consideration the latest market requirements, Trainerize on the other hand has been long there in the market and the solution might not be able to handle the latest challenges.
2. Mevolife is centered around business growth and development along with client servicing whereas Trainerize majorly focuses on client servicing.
3. Mevolife enables booking and delivery of Online, Offline and Virtual services whereas Trainerize majorly focuses on Online services with limited features availability.
4. Mevolife considers Clients as the main channel for business growth and hence the platform has no restrictions on clients whereas Trainzerize on the other hand has complex pricing plans which completely revolve around Clients.
5. Mevolife has an amazing UI/UX which is not only easy to understand and use but is also eye-pleasing whereas Trainzerize has an old look and feel to its CMS tool.

Overall on the basis of discussed pros and cons the recommendation vote is given to Mevolife since it is a client driven platform which intends to offer new business growth and development opportunities. In order to get a better understanding of both the tools, the next section offers a detailed comparison based on their pricing and features.


Overall on the basis of comparison made and points highlighted it can be very well concluded that if you are looking for an all inclusive fitness software for your business the answer is Mevolife. 

Mevolife not only helps you to keep your clients at priority but also helps to boost your business and grow revenues multifolds. This fitness coaching software is a perfect solution for you to meet your business goals in time. Look no further, sign up on Mevolife now to explore the platform and experience it yourself. 

Want to compare Mevolife with other fitness software solutions available. Check it out now!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why should I choose Mevolife over Trainzerize?

The main differentiation lies the structuring of the software. Mevolife offers you an option to an unlimited number of clients whereas Trainerize is centered around clients. Restricting the platform on the basis of the number of clients is likely to create difficulties in business growth.

Out of Mevolife and Trainzerize, which platform is easier to use?

Both platforms have a clarity in their design which makes them easy to understand and use. The main difference between these tools is that Trainzerize is dependent on multiple tool integration whereas Mevolife has an inbuilt solution for all features. 

Is Trainerize a good software for PTs?

Yes, both Trainerize and Mevolife intend to offer their services for independent trainers, personal fitness experts, dietitian, nutritionists, health and wellness coaches, studios and gyms. These software focus on bringing the health and fitness industry online for maximized business growth and increase in revenues.

Which software do you recommend to choose for a small sized fitness business?

Both Trainerize and Mevolife as a software target fitness businesses but considering the investment of time and money, we would recommend you to opt in for Mevolife as they not only provide a platform but also support you with elaborative onboarding services to help you get your business online in no time.

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