Can a Single Health & Fitness Application Change the Way a Nutrition Coach Works?

Hey there! 

My name is Marina and I have worked as a licensed nutritionist for seven years, and I wanted to share what I have learned along the way, and why I think MevoLife simplifies what I went through significantly.

A little about me…After I graduated from university, I started working in a healthy food manufacturing company where I learned a lot about communication between a company and its customers. 

I wanted to go one step further so I became a clinical nutritionist so I could directly impact a patient’s life with my knowledge of healthy eating habits. 

I run a fitness business online coaching healthy nutrition  from Barcelona, Spain, and I love it, but there’s also a lot of complexity. . 

My day combines:

  • Marketing

  • Client Correspondence

  • Financial Management

  • Meal Planning

  • Monitoring Compliance with My Plans

My clients don’t really realize how much work administrative goes on behind the scenes to keep them achieving their nutrition goals.

I wouldn’t trade being a nutritionist for another career because I help many people find the right path in order to stay healthy, energetic and happy.

But, from a professional view, I have to be super-organized and manage screening, planning, monitoring, client relationships, motivation levels,  and a lot of other things. 

As I started working as a nutritionist, I found a number of apps that could help with a piece of my overall workload. Definitely better than trying to run things with paper and pen. But over time, I just found myself jumping between all of them constantly and always forgetting some important task.

That situation just left me feeling that I was not doing everything that was in my power for my clients. 

For that reason, I was always on the lookout for a better way to run my nutrition business, where I would have less administrative load and more time for clients. 

I tried many apps that offered to optimize my work day and help me to do more in less time, 

Testing apps and trying new admin methods is not always the easiest but for me it was worth it because I ultimately found a solution that allowed me to cross that next milestone of eliminating my app ecosystem and really feeling 100% focused on my clients.

So if you have a similar situation, please read on as I explain more about my changes, benefits and what can be expected if you combine your fitness knowledge with a purpose-built application for nutritionist & fitness trainers. 

For me that application is MevoLife, and I use it as my daily support and help me be the best nutritionist I can be.

What Is MevoLife?

MevoLife is a health and fitness app that can help users track their exercise, nutrition, and overall well-being. It provides personalized coaching, goal setting, and client progress tracking to help users achieve their health goals. 

It also offers a community of like-minded individuals who share tips from their own fitness entrepreneurship journeys. To join the community, you simply create a free coaching profile and then you have access to a full fitness CRM. If you like social media, you can also participate on MevoLife’s pages on the major platforms: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

MevoLife is a comprehensive wellness platform that offers a range of nutrition and fitness services to help every client achieve their health goals. Some of the fitness features available on Mevolife include customized workout plans, virtual personal training, a library of exercise videos, and the ability to track progress and monitor fitness performance. 

The platform is designed to provide an all-in-one solution for health professionals and their clients, who can download either the iOS or Android app and manage their relationship with coaches like me from a single app.

MevoLife offers a comprehensive nutrition program that provides fitness assessment software, customized meal plans, nutritional coaching, and the ability to connect with vetted professionals, even if you have a very nuanced health issue to address. 

The platform offers a variety of features that can help improve overall health and wellness, such as personalized recipes, food logging, and reminders to stay on track with nutritional goals. MevoLife's nutrition program is personalized by us, the professionals, and we simply assign appropriate meals plans for our clients, track their progress via the app, and make adjustments as needed. 

How Can Mevolife Help Fitness Professionals?

Coaching Specific Tasks:

MevoLife gives a nutritionist back their administrative time, by providing a comprehensive platform for managing client information, creating personalized meal plans, tracking progress, and communicating with clients. 

The platform uses artificial intelligence to analyze client data and provide insights and recommendations to the nutritionist. Additionally, MevoLife offers a library of resources and tools to help nutritionists stay up-to-date on the latest research and trends in the field. Overall, MevoLife can help nutritionists streamline their workflow, improve client outcomes, and grow their business.

Overall Business Management:

Like any other business, there’s lots of general administration to take care of for nutrition coaches. The business management part of MevoLife is quite efficient and effective. The app offers a range of features and tools that allow businesses to manage their operations, track their performance, and engage with their customers. Some of the key features include inventory management, sales tracking, customer relationship management, and marketing automation. 

Overall, the MevoLife app appears to be a popular choice among fitness businesses looking for a comprehensive and user-friendly management solution. For me coaching and managing the financial side of client relationships is much easier when combined within MevoLife. 

Does Mevolife Provide an Easy-to-Use Interface?

The MevoLife CRM for coaches is generally intuitive. The app offers a variety of features and tools for tracking fitness, nutrition, and wellness goals, and provides personalized recommendations based on user data. 

However, ease of use may vary depending on individual preferences and familiarity with technology. Remember, I used tons of apps before MevoLife. Overall, the MevoLife app is designed to be user-friendly and accessible for people of all skill levels.

Key Features for Coaches:

1. Client Manager - MevoLife has a client management feature that allows you to easily track and manage your clients. You can view their profiles, track their progress, and communicate with them through the app.

2. Integrated Scheduling - To schedule meetings with clients on MevoLife, you can use the app's scheduling feature. Simply select the client you want to schedule a meeting with, choose a date and time that works for both of you, and send the invitation. The app will automatically send reminders to both you and your client leading up to the meeting.

3. Video Coaching - MevoLife does offer a video option for certain features such as virtual consultations or short meetings to catch up. 

4. Financial Management - The economic side of business is also included in the App. To create an invoice for your clients on MevoLife, you can use the app's billing and invoicing feature. Simply select the client you want to invoice, enter the details of the services provided, and generate the invoice. You can also customize the invoice with your own branding and payment options.

5. Marketing - There are a number of fitness marketing tools such as brochure and business card templates, but there’s also a marketplace: Clients can find professionals on MevoLife by searching for specific services or specialties, browsing through the directory of professionals, or by receiving recommendations from the app's matching algorithm based on their preferences and needs.

For clients, MevoLife offers mental support services through its virtual counseling and coaching features. Coaches can connect with clients and provide support through video or messaging.

For me the MevoLife experience is working well and makes my work days easier and more productive. The combination of knowledge and technology shows results for my clients also. 

If you’re looking for a technology solution for your fitness business, I would encourage you to take a free trial of the software and see how you and your clients like it (or in my case, love it). 

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