4 Smart and Proven Ways to Get Rid of Chubby Cheeks at Home

A Flabby Face and Fatty Neck Could Make You Unattractive

Imagine a world where everyone is happy with how they look. What kind of world will it look like?

We are sure it will be without beauty products at the very least. Alas, we all think about changing something or the other about us. If we talk about appearance, have you ever thought about why we always recognize a person by their face? Most certainly because it is the most remarkable part of our body that gets noticed first.

Pampering your skin externally doesn't help any more than applying perfume on paper flowers. So if you want to have a chiseled jawline and high cheekbones, no superficial methods would work either- and you would need to work hard to get them. If you are looking for the best ways to reduce face muscles or chubby cheeks, you might need facial exercises. They can help you tone your face and eliminate the extra fat on it.

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A lot of people want to get rid of face fat but are unsure of how they may slim down their chubby cheeks. If cosmetic surgery is not an option for you, this blog will help you well. Before getting into the details of how to reduce chubby cheeks into an appealing jawline, let's take a look at how cheeks get fat.

Face Fat: How Do Cheeks Get Fat or Chubby?

Just like the rest of the body, chubbiness on the face is also caused by an unwanted accumulation of fat. Its major contributing factors are poor diet and lack of exercise that leads to weight gain all over as well as the face. In some cases, the structure of the face too might be responsible, like a second chin or black spots under the eyes that indicate the deficiency of any vitamin.

A lesser-known but sure cause of flabby faces is genetics. You may be prone to a flabby appearance if your parents are obese or at least are overweight. Some medications or surgeries may also cause you to put on some weight as a consequence.

Foods that make your face fat

Foods that make your face fat

It is important to stay away from foods that cause you to gain weight, be it on your belly, midsection, or arms and thighs. The chubbier you get, the more you appear flabby on your face. Foods rich in calories, carbs, processed sugar or salts, and alcohol are bad for your health.

Here are some of the fattening foods that you should not eat:

1. Soda

2. Sweets

3. Ice cream

4. Candies 

5. Bakery items (cakes, pastries, etc.)

6. Pizza

7. Pasta

8. Foods cooked in unhealthy oils 

9. Peanut butter

10. Milk and dairy products

11. Unprocessed meats

12. Potatoes

13. Refined carbs

14. Hot dogs

15. Pretzels

16. Flavored yogurts

Eating healthy and nutritious foods, or taking multi-vitamins beyond a certain limit would also backfire. We thus recommend that you contact a wellness expert to know foods you should not eat, as per your allergies and medications (if any). She would be able to help you with a personalized diet and workout plan that you can use to build a more prominent jawline.

How long does it take to lose face fat?

Ideally, the answer would depend on a person’s lifestyle, and dietary and fitness preferences. It would also depend on that person’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and metabolism rates.

With slower metabolism rates and an indulgent lifestyle, one may take about three months to flab on his face and neck and have a sharpened jawline. With a more efficient and faster metabolism, one may expect the same results as early as two months.

How to lose face fat fast (in a week or so)?

How to lose face fat fast (in a week or so)?

It is important to note that you can only lose fat on your face or neck if your other body parts are also losing fat linearly. If you are not, you may well imagine the funny result you would get if your face is smaller as compared to the rest of your body.

You should adopt a fitness-centric lifestyle, one that relies on a healthy intake of nutritious foods with restraint from unhealthy foods. It should always be backed with a stress-free thinking process, proper sleeping patterns, and a workout-based routine.

While you may not lose all the excess fat in a week, here are some changes that you can make to get a sharper jawline starting today:

Try meditation or Yoga

If your doctor believes that your round face isn’t caused by hormonal issues or health problems, then diet and exercise can help you slim your face down. The smartest way to do it is to try Face Yomake your diet more favorable to your fitness goals.ga, which is an amazing way to stay in shape without going to the gym. You can do it at home or in the office in just 5 minutes.

We advise against taking any unhealthy supplements or medical treatments on body parts to reduce some flab unless advised by a professional. Surgeries like Botox may cause harm in the long term. Exercising regularly may tighten the facial muscles and make your cheekbones and jawline more noticeable after a few weeks.

Set realistic weight loss goals

Weight loss should be a well-thought-out and planned endeavor that’s carried out regularly over a period of time. It is important to have realistic and healthy expectations of yourself before you set yourself to the process. You could stand to lose a few pounds but you should not overdo it or go about it in an ill-advised manner.

We recommend doing two things: figuring out how much weight you want to lose and consulting a fitness expert. This would help you develop an effective and realistic plan for yourself with him. You might want to insist on a personalized program for fitness goals, diets, and exercises for yourself.

Work on your diet

Most of your weight loss happens is due to what you eat. Reducing your intake of simple carbs, such as sugars and white bread, can make a huge difference in your body’s fat percentage. Sodium can also cause your face to swell up and may even cause your kidneys to give up faster.

Reducing your intake of fats, salts, and alcohol (and drinking more water) is an easy way out to stay in shape (face included). This mineral is found in common salt and may cause water retention in the body. To counter this effect, here are some smart ways you can make your diet more favorable to your fitness goals.

What are the different shapes of faces?

It is important to know that you may or may not be fat or flabby or chubby, even if you think otherwise. Australian scientists have concluded after successful research that there are eleven types of faces in the world and they all have different parameters for flab, as follows:

1. Kite

2. Rectangle

3. Teardrop

4. Heptagon 

5. Oval 

6. Round 

7. Square 

8. Diamond 

9. Heart

10. Pear 

11. Oblong

Out of them, oval-shaped faces are most common while diamond-shaped ones are the rarest ones. Heart-shaped faces are considered the most attractive. It is also important to know that your hairstyle can affect your appearance marginally, they can’t change the shape of your face.

Did you know? More than one-third of the people work out without knowing the correct shape of their face. They soon get discouraged when their results are not as per expectations.

Facial Exercises to Lose Fat on Face and Neck

Muscle mass burns more calories while resting than fat does. Combining an improved diet with more exercise, especially strength training, is going to help you get rid of unwanted flab all over your body, which can include your face.

We are presenting some easy-to-do workouts that you can do every day at home to lose some fat on your face and neck. These exercises do not need you to hire any trainer, and you may even get started with them after you have watched a few YouTube videos on the topic.

Here are some effective facial exercises to get started with today:

a. Firm your cheeks

  • Bring a pocket of air into both cheeks.

  • Shift it from one cheek to the other until out of breath.

  • It’s recommended to do the exercise three times in a row to give your cheeks a mini-workout.

  • As with any workout, going too hard too fast can result in severe pain or even muscle spasms.

b. Weightlifting for your cheeks

  • Look up to the ceiling.

  • Push down on the cheek muscles (near the cheekbones) while smiling as hard as possible.

  • As the cheek muscles push against the fingertips, hold them there for 15 to 20 seconds, then relax.

  • Perform this exercise up to five times in a row to make your cheekbones look more pronounced. Smiling itself is a great cheekbone workout but this kicks it up a notch.

c. Use your lips

  • Purse lips outward making an “O”, like trying to kiss someone just out of reach.

  • Bring them back and smile as wide as possible.

  • Pause, then return to the “kissing” position.

  • Repeat the exercise 10 times to help tone your facial muscles and prevent your cheeks from sagging.

d. Make your jawline sharper

  • Sit up straight, then gently pull shoulders downward.

  • While inhaling, place the tongue on the roof of the mouth and slowly look upward and to the right.

  • Slowly return the head to the center, and then do the same thing to the left.

  • Repeat the exercise between five to eight times on each side.

e. A full facial workout

  • Sit tall so the shoulders align with the hips.

  • Take a deep breath in while smiling as wide as possible, then exhale while still holding the smile.

  • While releasing the breath, pucker the lips and suck the cheeks in. These exaggerated features are a great way to sculpt your face.

  • Repeat this movement between 10 to 12 times to work your cheeks, jaw, and neck.

These facial exercises would also help you get over several issues related to reducing facial fat in a natural way. The best thing about these facial exercises (or yoga asanas) is that you won’t need to go to the gym to get the job done, though you might want to consult a fitness trainer or a lifestyle expert for the best results.

BONUS: 9 Smarter Ways to Take Care of Your Skin

BONUS: 9 smarter ways to take care of your skin

Aging is caused due to free radicals that cause oxidation of the body cells, thus leading them to accumulate more fat and toxins. This also makes the skin cells on your face lose their elasticity and effectiveness, thus resulting in wrinkles, unevenness in skin tones, and visible pores.

Here are some smart ways that you can follow to take care of your skin every day:

1. Wash your face four times a day

2. Eat foods rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids

3. Drink 4 liters of water every day

4. Sleep 6 hours every night

5. Use herbal and natural skin care products

6. Use lukewarm water to wash your face

7. Apply ice packs on your cheeks

8. Apply moisturizer

9. Drink green or herbal tea

In most people, aging is accompanied by an accumulation of fat that makes our faces look chubbier and saggy. While signs of aging are impossible to avoid, applying sunscreen and moisturizer can help slow down the process and keep the skin on your face firm.

Asking a Wellness Expert Could Help You Get Better Results with Fat Loss on Your Face

You should have realized that losing a lot of face fat in a week is outright impossible.

It is a time-intensive process that requires a mix of changed dietary habits and face yoga. You can also try home remedies like warm water, honey, lemon juice, and curd. We recommend making a paste of them and then washing them with lukewarm water. You can also try adding a few drops of honey in milk cream and then washing it off from your (chubby) face, chin, and neck.

You can also benefit a great deal by eating fruits and vegetables instead of junk foods. We recommend staying away from alcohol and smoking because these bad habits reduce the elastic and flexible nature of the skin. This makes the skin lose its moisture quickly and prone to accumulate fat. These bad habits also would reduce the capacity of your liver and kidneys, thus making it harder for your skin to stay softer and young for longer periods.

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