What Are the Home Remedies for Silky Shiny Hair?

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Aditya 26 Feb, 2022

Finding ways to get soft and shiny hair at home? You have come to the right place. Honestly, it will require a bit more effort but you will fall in love with the results. Good hair care goes a long way and it works for both men and women. To get shiny, silky, and smooth hair, a lot of people use several branded conditioners, shampoos, and hair serums.

They do add a beautiful shine to our hair but expose the delicate hair to some harmful chemicals as well. Something tells me that you are smart enough to figure out yourself, that is why you are looking for home remedies for silky shiny hair. Besides, we support pampering yourself with an at-home hair treatment.

There is no need to go out for some chemically made factory synthesized products, just use natural ingredients that are readily available at home or in your kitchen. Also, one more factor that affects hair is your diet. Make sure you load up on foods that are rich in protein, iron, zinc, and copper. You need to include spinach, eggs, sweet potatoes, and nuts in your diet and be very conscious of hair hygiene.

If your neighborhood is dusty or polluted, then wash your hair well at least thrice a week and massage your scalp with virgin coconut or olive oil to improve blood circulation to the roots every other day. Here, we are listing some of the best home remedies for shiny hair without having to step out of your house.

PARENT TOPIC - The Most Definitive Guide on Natural Hair Health & Home-Based Hair Care for All Hair Types

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works as a fabulous hair conditioner. It makes hair soft, shiny, and keeps them moisturized. It also helps remove the residue that renders the hair dull and lifeless. Furthermore, it treats dandruff, itchy scalp, and frizzy hair as well.

You can mix 2-3 teaspoons with water equally, pour the mixture into your hair, and massage after shampoo. Leave it for a couple of minutes then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Coconut Oil

This is one of the simplest and easiest home remedies for shiny hair. It is also considered the best home remedy to get healthy hair naturally. You can apply coconut oil and retain the moisture and shine of your hair. You can make it even more effective by putting some curry leaves in 2 tablespoons of oil and heat it until it gets warm.

Sit it for some time so it can cool down. After that, gently massage the oil on your hair and put a warm towel or a shower cap for at least 30 minutes before washing off with a normal shampoo.

Egg Hair Mask

Egg Hair Mask

Eggs are a good source of vitamin A, D, B-6, B-12, minerals, fat, and protein. Using eggs as a hair mask makes hair healthy, strong, and shiny. See, given the nutrient content of eggs, they can instantly boost volume and shine to your hair. They restore protein intensely to damaged hair, adds moisture to dull hair, reconstruct, and restores protein to the hair as well.

You need to mix 2 egg yolks with one tablespoon of unsalted butter, one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of thick milk. Once it is ready, use a brush to coat your hair with this mixture and cover your scalp with a shower cap. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes before rinsing it off with a shampoo. Just one thing, avoid it if you can not stand the smell of eggs.

Aloe Vera and Honey

Aloe vera is famous for its medicinal usage and it is amazing for skin and overall health. In case you don't know, it is also good for hair as it is rich in vitamins A, B, and E, selenium. Besides, selenium is widely used in conditioners to keep dandruff at bay. You can get it from aloe vera.

The usage of aloe vera as a home remedy for silky and shiny hair is simple. Just apply aloe vera gel on your scalp and leave it overnight.

You can get it from aloe vera. The usage of aloe vera as a home remedy for silky and shiny hair is simple. Just apply aloe vera gel on your scalp and leave it overnight. You can wash it off the next morning for a clean scalp. Also, a lot of people mix it with some honey in equal parts and apply it on your scalp. If you do this, clean it after 30 minutes with cold water.

Mayonnaise Hair Mask

Mayonnaise Hair Mask

Besides eating it, you can use mayonnaise to stimulate healthy hair growth. It contains amino acids, powerful antioxidants, and proteins. You can apply it as a hair mask and use it once a week. Apply some warm water to your hair and give them a damp, but not soaking wet.

Then, rub it through your hair like a conditioner and wrap your hair with a plastic bag, or a shower cap. Let it sit on the hair for at least 20 minutes. Take a shower using a diluted shampoo to wash the mayonnaise out. You need to shampoo a couple of times before you can get all of the mayonnaise out.

Banana Hair Pack

To end your suffering of dry, frizzy, and split ends, try this remedy. See, bananas contain fruit acids such as glucose that help keep your hair nourished. To get shiny hair by making the banana hair pack, all you need to do is mash one ripe banana in a bowl, add 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, and 3 tablespoons of almond oil. You can smash it using your hand to turn it into a semi-smooth paste.

Once it is ready, you can apply it all over your hair and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. After that, just wash your hair using lukewarm water and shampoo.



Yogurt is also one of the best home remedies to get soft, smooth, and shiny hair. It also keeps your scalp clean and free from infections. You need to brush out your hair well with a wide-tooth comb and spread plain yogurt all over your hair. After that, cover your hair with a shower cap and leave it on for at least 30 minutes.

You can shower or rinse it out with lukewarm water. Use shampoo and condition your hair as usual. You can use this at-home hair treatment once a week.

Henna Pack (Mehndi)

Heena is a natural hair conditioner for hair and has been nicknamed as ‘hair alchemist’ as it can transform grey and dull hair into shiny ones. It also promotes hair growth. You have to combine the pure henna powder with water to make it a hair pack. Remember to add enough water to get a thick pasty consistency.

Once the same is ready, apply the mixture to your hair and let it sit for 50 minutes to an hour and then wash it off with cold water.

Before Goodbye

Apart from these home remedies, which work well for everyone, there are some more things you can do to ensure healthy hair growth. Always towel-dry your hair but dab it, not rub it. Leave it to air dry for healthy strands.

You can use high-quality shine-enhancing hair serum once the hair are partially dried. Add more nutrients in your diet and avoid smoking. Also, remember to cover your hair if you visit dusty and polluted areas.

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